Discover 20 parks in Switzerland

Park of National Importance

A special seal of quality

There are currently 20 parcs in Switzerland that are recognised by the federal government. The Sihlwald Nature Discovery Park is one of them and is supported by the federal government and the canton of Zurich.

There are different categories of parks with different focuses: National parks, nature discovery parks and regional nature parks. There are also the higher-level UNESCO biospheres.

With over 100 years of history, the Swiss National Park is practically the mother of all parks and fulfils strict international criteria of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). A Nature Discovery Park is much smaller, but also has a strictly protected core zone, making it a mini-national park. Both park categories are mandated by the federal government to educate and raise public awareness to environmental issues. Regional Nature Parks are committed to sustainable development. The areas are partially populated and are characterised by high natural, landscape and cultural values.

The Swiss Parks Network acts as a link between the parks and the Federal Office for the Environment. It coordinates and supports the park administrations and cooperation between parks.

A Nature Discovery Park offers flora and fauna undisturbed habitats. For humans it offers the opportunity to experience unspoilt nature. It always consists of two zones: So-called process protection applies in the Core Zone. Here, nature can develop undisturbed and dynamically. After natural events, the forest is not tidied but left as it is. This creates new habitats and various species of animals and plants may return. However, this can also lead to some structures and animals to disappear. To make this possible, a few additional rules are needed for visitors. In the Core Zone, visitors are obliged to walk, and there is a ban on collecting and lighting fires.

Less strict rules apply in the Nature Discovery Zone, allowing visitors to experience nature and relax. Here it is allowed to pick mushrooms, herbs, or berries and to enter the forest off the paths. Barbecuing is permitted at marked fireplaces.

The Sihlwald Nature Discovery Park is freely accessible all year round. The visitor center with exhibition, playground and fire pits is just a few steps away from Sihlwald train station.

Numerous events take place in the Wildnispark Zurich. Mostly in the summer season, but also occasionally in winter. Most of the offers are in German

Areas (in hectares): 1098 ha rounded
Core zone 442 ha 40%
Nature Discovery Zone 654 ha 60%
of which natural forest reseve 972 ha 90%
Infrastructure (in kilometers)  
Hiking trails 73
Cycle paths 56
Riding paths 52
Fireplaces 19
Indicators Sihlwald Commercial forest on the Central Plateau Primaeval forest
Volume of Deadwood

approx. 50 m³/ha

approx. 15 m³/ha approx. 166 m³/ha
Giant Trees

4.4 / ha

approx. 1.9 m³/ha approx. 10 m³/ha
Proportion of Urwald relict species Beetles 0.9   10.2

The Sihlwald has not been managed since 2000. In 2007, the Natural Forest Reserve Agreement was signed and since 2008 it has been strictly protected as a Cantonal Nature and Landscape Conservation area (SVO Sihlwald, renewed in 2015). In 2010, it was recognised as a Park of National Importance. The basis for this is the Nature and Cultural Heritage Protection Act (NHG) and the associated Parks Ordinance. The Wildnispark Zurich Foundation operates in accordance with the Park Agreement, Managementplan, and Service Agreement approved by the sponsors. The label «Nature Discovery Park ­– Park of national Importance» was renewed by the federal government in 2020.