Exciting events based around the anniversary
Excursions, guided tours and courses in and around the Sihlwald
This year, the Wildnispark Zurich is focusing on the Sihlwald, its inhabitants and what has changed over the last 25 years.
Throughout the year, the Wildnispark Zurich offers various events that focus on the «25 years of the wild Sihlwald». Guides will take you on excursions in the Sihlwald (in German only) and tell you interesting facts about the inhabitants of the forest, such as the abraeus parvulus beetle or the ubiquitous trees (in German only), and explain what makes the Sihlwald so special as the largest natural forest reserve in the Mittelland. The ranger team, which looks after the Sihlwald and knows the forest better than almost anyone, will also be happy to provide you with information: whether you meet them on a walk or when you are out and about with the rangers (in German only). Or would you like to know what makes the red deer, probably the largest inhabitant of the Sihlwald, so special? Then talk to our animal keepers on site (in German only) at Langenberg Wildlife Park. The Wildlife Day and other various events throughout the year offer you the opportunity to discover and experience the secrets and special features of the Sihlwald.