25 years of wild Sihlwald25 years of wild Sihlwald

25 years of wild Sihlwald

©Wildnispark Zürich / Mirella Wepf

Deadwood with fern

25 years wild Sihlwald

A small histerbeetle crawls between moss-covered tree roots and perforated trunks. It is the symbol of the return of the wilderness. The Sihlwald has not been managed for 25 years. Rare species of fungi and lichens, as well as beetles, such as the abraeus parvulus beetle, have found a home here again – a really wonderful developement!

To mark the anniversary, 12 exciting events (German only) and various blog posts await you in the Wildnispark Zurich. In addition, the newsletter also accompanies the abraeus parvulus beetle throughout the year and follows the fascinating history of the Sihlwald.

To the newest blog post

©Wildnispark Zürich / Mirella Wepf©Wildnispark Zürich / Mirella Wepf

©Wildnispark Zürich / Mirella Wepf

Exciting events based around the anniversary

Excursions, guided tours and courses in and around the Sihlwald

This year, the Wildnispark Zurich is focusing on the Sihlwald, its inhabitants and what has changed over the last 25 years.

They are returning!

The rare species in the Sihlwald

The Abraeus Parvulus beetle, the Flaviporus Citronellus fungus and the Green Shield-Moss are among the rare species that can be found in the Sihlwald today.