Opening hours

Langenberg Wildlife Park

Free Admission

Langenberg East

The park area is freely accessible all year round.
Wildcat house and Müsli-Hüsli:
October 28 – March 30
Mon – Sun: 09:00 – 16:00

Langenberg West

October 28 – March 30
Mon – Sun: 09:00 – 16:00

GPS Langenberg Wildlife Park

Langenberg Wildlife Park

Switzerland’s oldest zoo

The Wildnispark Zurich Langenberg Is a scientifically managed zoo and a member of zooschweiz (the Swiss Association of Scientific Zoos). The members of zooschweiz are committed to maintaining high standards in animal husbandry, oriented towards the well-being of the animals.

The Wildnispark Zurich keeps its wild animals in expansive, near-natural enclosures and aims to ensure that the animals are able to live out their repertoire of natural behaviours to the fullest possible extent. In particular, this includes finding mates, rearing their young and, in the case of social species, living together in groups.

More about the Langenberg Wildlife Park

European hareEuropean hare

European hare


Native and formerly native species

Langenberg is home to 19 native and formerly native species of mammals. It is also possible to observe native crabs and fish species from the River Sihl in the aquarium at the Visitor Centre in Sihlwald


Animal husbandry

Our principles

We keep our wild animals in generous near-natural enclosures and do our best to ensure that the animals are able to express their entire repertoire of natural behaviours to the fullest possible extent


History of the Wildlife Park

«Place of abiding pleasure»

Carl Anton Ludwig von Orelli created the wildlife garden in Langenberg in 1869 as a «place of abiding pleasure». How did it come about?
