© Wildnispark Zürich / Abigél Schnellmann© Wildnispark Zürich / Abigél Schnellmann

© Wildnispark Zürich / Abigél Schnellmann

Pile of leafs in autumn 

Leaf pile

Leaf piles that are reinforced with branches provide shelter for hedgehogs and other small mammals to hibernate in winter.


  • Accumulated branch wood, for example prunings from hedges, bushes, trees or found along the roadside – rather thin
  • Approx. 10 logs or sticks of wood (each 10 cm thick and 1 m long)
  • Leaves from native trees (the more, the better)


  • Spread some of the leaves on the ground as a base (area at least 2m²).
  • Place two of the logs parallel on the ground, approx. 30cm apart.
  • Place two more logs parallel to the first two at a right angle to the lower ones (should form a square from above (30cmx30cm).
  • Place two logs again parallel to each other at a right angle on top of the two upper logs (the distance may be less than 30cm).
  • Place the remaining logs as a «roof» on the structure à you should now have a cavity of approx. 30cmx30cmx30cm.
  • If necessary, use some branches to reinforce the structure.
  • Cover the resulting structure with half of the remaining leaves.
  • Spread out most of the branches on the pile to create more stability.
  • Pile up the remaining leaves.
  • Weigh down the leaves with the remaining branches.


  • Hibernation shelter for hedgehogs and other small animals


  • Branch piles can be created in various places, on flat terrain or on slopes.
  • A shady place protected from the wind and weather is ideal.
  • Undisturbed corners in the garden that are not too close to garden paths are suitable.
  • The substrate must be unsealed to prevent waterlogging.


  • Over time, the pile will collapse, then fresh leaves can be placed on top of the pile

Further links, brochures and leaflets:

Instructions for a pile of branches and leaves (German only)
Hedgehog-friendly garden (German only)
Hedgehog-friendly garden (detailed) (German only)
Video: Building winter quarters for hedgehogs (German only)
Video: Wildlife Gardening for Hedgehogs
