The wild lynx population in Europe is under threat. They live too isolated from each other. With the targeted release of suitable young lynx into the wild, we can prevent the disappearance of the "brush ears". The lynx enclosure at the Langenberg Wildlife Park is one of the places where suitable lynx are bred.
Make it possible
- 60 francs for a week's food for a young lynx
- 120 francs for the weekly care of the animals by an animal keeper
- 240 francs for the necessary vaccinations by a vet
- 520 francs for the construction of an automatic feeder
- 1200 francs for transportation to the reintroduction area
Every contribution is valuable! Thank you for your donation!
You can find out more about lynxes, how they are kept at the Langenberg Wildlife Park and the lynx population in Europe here.
The annual costs for keeping the lynx amount to just over CHF 100,000.
In fall 2024, a female lynx cub from Wildnispark Zurich was released into the wild in Germany. Another step towards ensuring the survival of lynxes in Europe. The next young lynx is going to release in the near future.
The third female lynx was brought to Germany at the beginning of February 2025. It will remain there in a specialized coordination enclosure. It will be released into the wild in summer.
Lynxes in freedom
For the survival of the magnificent big cat
The lynx enclosure at Langenberg Wildlife Park is one of the few that prepares young lynx for an independent life in the wild. Young lynx to be released into the wild must remain shy of humans. This is the only way they can survive in the wild.