Build a shelter for sand lizards, hedgehogs & co.

Build a shelter for sand lizards, hedgehogs & co.

Small structures are important hibernation sites for hedgehogs, lizards and co. Build a shelter for small animals or start now to create a habitat for next year.

To the instructions

Lynxes in the wild

Lynxes in the wild

Europe's wild lynxes are under threat. To counteract this, young lynx are released into the wild. The Langenberg Wildlife Park raises such young lynxes.

Support the reintroduction!

Until the end of October: Special exhibition at the Nature Museum

Until the end of October: Special exhibition at the Nature Museum

Take the last chance to visit the special exhibition at the Nature Museum. Discover the world of the sand lizard before it retreats into hibernation.

«Sand lizard. Everything alright?»

Wild plants workshop: Enjoying roots in autumn

Wild plants workshop: Enjoying roots in autumn

Experience autumn from a culinary perspective: on a foray through the Sihlwald forest, you will search for nature's treasures and afterwards transform wild plants into delicacies.

More information and sign up (German only)

Exciting animal stories and secret discoveries in the natural forest:

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Caution is still advised in the Sihlwald after the stormy weather. Please watch out for loose branches.

Experience, enjoy and understand nature

In front of the gates of the cities of Zurich and Zug.

The Wildnispark Zurich offers unique experiences in nature at two locations: the Langenberg Wildlife Park in Langnau am Albis invites visitors to meet native animals. The Sihlwald Nature Discovery Park offers a unique combination of forest, wilderness and river landscape. The Sihlwald hamlet is home to the visitor center with a nature museum, playground and fire pits.

A typical wolf pack

Three generations of wolves

In the wild, a wolf pack consists of the parents, the pups and the yearlings. The latter migrate after one to two years to look for a mate.

There are currently also three generations of wolves living at the Langenberg Wildlife Park ­– just like in the wild. The wolf pack consists of two adults, four yearlings and two pups. It's well worth a visit!

Upcoming events (German only)

Essbare Wildpflanzen im Herbst

19.10.2024 08:45
Auf unserem Streifzug durch den Naturwald Sihlwald lernen Sie in diesem Kurs verschiedene Wildpflanzen kennen.

Dämmerungsführung mit Wildschmaus

19.10.2024 17:30
Die Dämmerung im herbstlichen Tierpark ist ein spezieller Moment.


Einmal pro Jahr lädt der Wildnispark Zürich zum Patentag mit besonderem Programm im Tierpark Langenberg ein.

Discover it for yourself

Sihlwald wilderness playground

Branch nests, suspension bridges, an hollow silver fir trunk, a snake made of wood - these are the centrepieces of the wilderness playground at the visitor centre in Sihlwald. The exciting play wilderness offers challenges for young and old.


Kurzer Spaziergang zum Aussichtsturm Hochwacht mit unvergleichbarem Ausblick über den gesamten Wildnispark Zürich.

Aussichtspunkt Oberalbis

Blick über den Zugersee und die Alpen.

Sihlwald tour

Leisurely, one-hour circular bicycle tour for families and recreational sports people. At first the way is flat along the River Sihl and afterwards through the forest wilderness of the Sihlwald nature discovery park.


1876 wurden im Sihlwald erstmals eine Waldeisenbahn verwendet, um die Forstarbeit zu erleichtern. Übriggebliebene Schwellen des einst 12 km langen Trassees kann man noch heute auf dem Bähnliweg entdecken.


Zwischen 1624 und 1798 war die Albishochwacht Teil des Zürcher Alarmsystems bestehend aus 23 Hochwachten. Im Jahre 1792 wurde von hier eines der ersten Alpenpanoramen gezeichnet.


The Rooseveltplatz is named after Eleanor Roosevelt, wife of the American President Franklin D. Roosevelt, who in 1948 admired the mighty 200 year-old trees on this location during a visit to Sihlwald.

«Wisent & Co. – the landscape gardeners»

The exhibition impressively shows how the large herbivores have reconquered Switzerland over the last 150 years and how they influence the landscape.


Gratwanderung mit anschliessendem steilen Abstieg zu den Wildtieren im Langenberg.