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News from Sihlwald and Langenberg

Coronavirus epidemic

Due to the measures taken by the Federal Council against the spread of the coronavirus, the Zurich Wilderness Park Foundation is taking the following measures in consultation with the Canton of Zurich's Department of Health:

  • The Langenberg Anima...

New website design

Welcome to our newly designed website.

After more than ten years, we gave our website a new design on October 4. We hope you like the site. You can now choose from three clearly structured areas. If you are looking for information about our two parks - Naturerlebnispark Sihlwald or Tierpa...

New protected area marking

The Sihlwald Nature Discovery Park is being given new conservation area markings (green panels) on behalf of the Canton of Zurich.

As the number of elements of the new signalization is very extensive, not all signs and pillars can be replaced at the same time. It is therefore possible that the information on site is currently somewhat inconsistent. The aim is to have all the new...

Open 365 days

Wildnispark Zurich is a unique combination of natural woodland, wilderness and wildlife. We are the centre of excellence for wilderness, and observe, research and educate in step with the rhythm of nature.

Surprising wilderness experiences

We offer our guests personal and surprising wilderness experiences in the greater Zurich area to inspire them.

The Foundation is supported by the city of Zurich, the communes of the district of Horgen, the canton of Zurich and Pro Natura Zurich.