Caution is still advised in the Sihlwald after the stormy weather. Please watch out for loose branches.

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News from Sihlwald and Langenberg

Lynx Vreni from Wildnipark Zurich has settled in well in Germany

At the end of August, a female lynx that was born in 2023 at Langenberg Wildlife Park in Langnau am Albis was released into the wild in the Thuringian Forest. The animal, named Vreni, has adapted well to life in the wild and has already killed several deer.

Vreni, the female lynx born at Langenberg Wildlife Park, was released into the wild in Germany around a month ago. Now there is good news: "She is doing very well, our young Swiss lynx!" reports Markus Port, project coordinator of "Luchs Thüringen". Init...

Stone crayfish released into the wild in the Sihlwald forest

This afternoon, 40 stone crayfish were released in the Sihlwald. This native crayfish species is highly endangered. With this reintroduction project, the Foundation Wildnispark Zurich is helping to promote biodiversity in Switzerland.

Crayfish used to be widespread in Switzerland. However, the four native species are now under severe pressure. In 2011, the federal government launched the "Swiss Crayfish Action Plan". This proposes various measures to protect the native crayfish spec...

Wilderness day in the Sihlwald

An exciting event for the whole family: a wildlife day will be held in Sihlwald on September 29. The focus is on the magnificent sand lizard, hedgehogs, wild bees and other small animals.

The Wildlife Day in Sihlwald offers fun, games and exciting nature knowledge for the whole family on the Sunday after next. The focus is on the magnificent sand lizard, hedgehogs, wild bees and other small animals.

If you want to find out more abo...

Lynx from Wildnispark Zurich released into the wild in Germany

The wild lynx in Western and Central Europe are threatened by inbreeding. The existing populations need to be better connected to ensure regular genetic exchange between them. For this reason, a female lynx that was born in 2023 at Langenberg Wildlifepark in Langnau am Albis was released into the wild yesterday evening in the Thuringian Forest.

In spring 2023, two female lynx were born at Langenberg Wildlifepark. Even back then, they were seen as hopefuls who could help preserve the Eurasian lynx in Europe, as the Zurich Wilderness Park participates in the European conservation breeding pro...

Rescue service practises at Langenberg Wildlife Park

On Wednesday, August 14, Schutz & Rettung Horgen will be carrying out various emergency drills at Langenberg Wildlife Park. 

Don't be startled. On Wednesday, August 14, rescue workers from Schutz & Rettung Horgen and the Langnau am Albis fire department will be training for emergencies at Langenberg Wildlife Park with the help of the animal keeper team. Various emergency sc...

Young otters in Wildnispark Zurich

The otter enclosure of Wildnispark Zurich in Sihlwald has been enriched by another attraction: two young otters (Lutra lutra) have been on display here for a few days now. The otter is an endangered species in Europe; the Wildnispark Zurich Foundation participates in the international conservation breeding program of the European Association of Zoos and Aquariums (EAZA).

Otters are among the public's favorites at Wildnispark Zurich. Now there is good news about the charming «water marten»: the otter couple, who has been living in the near-natural enclosure in Sihlwald since 2022, has had offspring. «The young were bor...

National Holiday, Thursday, 1 August 2024

To protect the animals, the setting off of fireworks is prohibited on the grounds of the Langenberg Wildlife Park and in the Sihlwald Nature Discovery Park. Langenberg Wildlife Park closes at 6 pm on this day.

Fireworks pollute the environment with particulate matter and waste, bring with them the risk of forest fires and cause stress for animals. The noise, smell and glow of fireworks cause wild animals to panic. We want to avoid all of this.  For this re...

Rare beetle discovered in Wildnispark Zurich

Bolitophagus reticulatus is a very rare, demanding beetle species and only lives in areas where nature is allowed to be pristine. Where dead and weakened trees are not removed from the forest and tinder fungi thrive as a result. At the end of June 2024, the beetle was detected in Sihlwald by a researcher from Bern University of Applied Sciences BFH. This is the first record in the canton of Zurich, and it has also rarely been sighted in the rest of Switzerland. The species had presumably been almost extinct in Switzerland for decades.

The Sihlwald Nature Discovery Park is the largest natural forest reserve in the canton of Zurich. Since 2000, the former commercial forest has been allowed to revert to a wilderness. Dead trees are not removed here. This has a positive effect on biod...

Revitalization of the Sihl from 2026

The Sihl at Sihlwald is currently obstructed and ecologically impoverished. The canton of Zurich wants to revitalize this section of the Sihl together with the SBB to create diverse habitats for animals and plants again. The project will go on public display in June 2024.

More than a hundred years ago, many streams and rivers throughout Switzerland were straightened and dammed to protect them from flooding and to gain land. The formerly diverse and dynamic rivers and streams have become ecologically impoverished as a ...

Excursion tip

"Lynx and dragonfly" wildlife day at Langenberg Wildlife Park

On Sunday, June 16, it's all about "Lynx and Dragonfly" at Langenberg Wildlife Park. The event, known as Wildlife Day, offers a varied program for the whole family with short guided tours, a lecture and various stands.

The Eurasian lynxes are among the public's favorites at Langenberg Wildlife Park. However, these magnificent big cats are endangered in the wild. By rearing young animals that can be released into the wild, the Wildnispark Zurich Foundation is working...