22. December 2020


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Traditional Christmas surprise for our elks

Langenberg Zoo will remain closed until January 22, 2021 due to the latest coronavirus protection measures. Nevertheless, our animals are doing well - especially the moose: every year after Christmas, hundreds of unsold Christmas trees become a feast for the animals.
22. December 2020

When the leaves fall, the animal keepers at Langenberg change the moose's diet. "In spring, summer and into the fall, moose eat the leaves of various deciduous trees. In winter, they then switch to conifers," explains Martin Kilchenmann, Head of Animals at the Zurich Wilderness Park. An adult moose eats around six conifers per winter day. The unsold Christmas trees that are transported to Langenberg after December 24 by individual regional retailers and Coop sales outlets are therefore very welcome.

Moose particularly love the nutrient-rich parts of plants such as fresh twigs, buds and needles. The large ruminants are true foraging specialists who select their food very carefully. Used Christmas trees from our guests cannot be accepted and fed. Tinsel and wax residues are harmful to the animals. The effort involved in checking every single tree is too great. You are welcome to support the care of our animals with a donation.

Further information:
Bianca Guggenheim, Communications employee,

Phone 044 722 55 22, bianca.guggenheim@wildnispark.ch
