20. November 2015


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Place found for young bear

Media release
Zurich Wildlife Park has found a place for a male bear cub from 2013. The almost three-year-old brown bear was handed over to Forestia Zoo in Belgium on November 19, 2015.
20. November 2015

On November 19, 2015, a young bear moved from the Zurich Langenberg Wilderness Park to its new home. The almost three-year-old male bear, who was born in Langenberg in January 2013, has been given a new home at Forestia Zoo in Belgium. An outdoor enclosure of around 12,000 square meters with two female brown bears awaits him.

Zurich Wildlife Park is still looking intensively for places for the two other young bears, another male and a female. To this end, the zoological management of the Langenberg has contacted European zoos and animal parks that keep brown bears themselves.

The three young bears were born in January 2013 and subsequently lived together with the two adult brown bears in the 15,000 square meter bear enclosure at Zurich Langenberg Wilderness Park. The adult male brown bear is almost 20 years old, the adult female bear almost 15 years old.

Further information

Martin Kilchenmann
Head of Communication
Zoological Curator
Tel. 044 722 55 24
