22. March 2017


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Opening day of the visitor center dedicated to Switzerland's smallest carnivores

Media release
The new season of the Zurich Wilderness Park begins at the visitor center in Sihlwald on Sunday, 26 March, with a small celebration. Celebrate with us the opening of the new special exhibition "Weasels & stoats, small animals - big hunters" with guided tours, storytellers, aperitifs and an exciting search for the stoat called Fridolin.
22. March 2017

On Sunday, March 26, the new season officially begins at the Zurich Wilderness Park. An attractive program awaits young and old at the visitor center in Sihlwald. We will be celebrating the opening of the new special exhibition "Weasels & stoats, small animals - big hunters" in the Nature Museum. On short guided tours through the exhibition, you will learn the most important facts about Switzerland's smallest predators. Jürg Steigmeier tells exciting stories and amusing fairy tales for younger guests aged 3 and over. And for the physical well-being, the Zurich Wilderness Park offers an aperitif in the Sihlwald restaurant. Admission to the Nature Museum is free on this day.

Small predators with a big impact

The new special exhibition "Weasels & stoats, small animals - big hunters" at the Nature Museum in Zurich Wilderness Park focuses on Switzerland's smallest predators. Weasels and stoats may be small, but they are great hunters. They are agile and extremely shy, which is why hardly anyone gets to see them. They thrive in a diverse habitat with hedges, dry stone walls, rock piles and forest edges and can be of some benefit to agriculture. A weasel eats one to two mice a day. In the new special exhibition, visitors can gain a varied insight into the lives of these little hunters and find out where they live in the region.

Who will find Fridolin the stoat?

The exciting search for Fridolin the stoat on the grounds of the visitor center also helps. Because Fridolin has disappeared without a trace. Various clues are hidden on the grounds of the visitor center. Young detectives can pick up a map at the visitor center and go in search of clues. In the process, they will discover various locations of stoats and weasels. And a small prize and a badge await the clever sleuths who find the correct solution.

Opening day program on Sunday, 26 March

  • 1 p.m. "Fairy tale story" from 3 years with Jürg Steigmeier, storyteller
  • 1 - 4 p.m. Craft table with natural materials
  • 2 pm Vernissage "Mauswiesel & Hermelin, small animals - big hunters" Welcome by Andres Türler, Zurich City Councillor and President of the Zurich Wilderness Park Foundation Assembly and Karin Hindenlang Clerc, Managing Director of the Zurich Wilderness Park Foundation
  • 14:15 Small aperitif and musical entertainment by the Langnau am Albis Music Society
  • 3 p.m. Short guided tour of the exhibition / "Märli-Gschichte"
  • 4 p.m. Short guided tour of the exhibition / "Fairy tale story"

Further information

Martin Kilchenmann
Head of Communication
Zoological curator
Tel. 044 722 55 24

Opening hours Visitor Center and Nature Museum in Sihlwald

March 21 to October 29:
Tue to Sat 12-17.30 hrs,
Sun and public holidays 9-17.30 hrs,
Mon closed.

Admission: adults CHF 6, children CHF 3, families CHF 14
