19. September 2022


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Insects in the forest - diverse, amazing and indispensable

Up to 60,000 insect species live in Switzerland. However, only half of these have been researched. The "Insects" wilderness day offers visitors to the Zurich Wilderness Park the opportunity to find out more about these small creatures.
Time and place: Sihlwald, Sunday, September 25 from 1.30 to 4.30 pm.

19. September 2022

Alpine longhorned bees, long-horned beetles and spherical beetles - Beat Wermelinger, insect researcher at the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL), knows them all. On September 25, he will take interested visitors on a journey into the world of forest insects. At 2pm and 3pm, he will be giving a talk entitled "Insects in the forest - diverse, amazing and indispensable" at the Zurich Wilderness Park Visitor Center.

The "Insects" wilderness day offers an entertaining and varied program for the whole family: visitors can learn even more about these exciting animals at various adventure stations. The "Natur liegt nahe" association is also present on the site. It presents some of the 600 or so species of wild bees that live in Switzerland in more detail and shows how different their nests are.

Zürcher Kantonalbank - the main sponsor of the Zurich Wilderness Park - will also be on site with its popular skittles game. There is real, fair gold to be won. And as a special bonus, the Wilderness Park store will be presenting the new children's book "Papa Moll travels through Switzerland", hot off the press, at the book table. On this journey, he also experiences numerous exciting adventures in the Zurich Wilderness Park.

Useful, colorful, versatile and endangered

According to current estimates, 45,000 to 60,000 insect species live in Switzerland. According to the Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences, 60 percent of species in this country are endangered or potentially endangered. Insects pollinate around 88 percent of all flowering plants in temperate latitudes. Reason enough to take a closer look at these small, versatile creepy-crawlies and protect their habitats.

Further information and program: www.wildnispark.ch/wildnistag-insekten


Event information short text

"Insects" wilderness day

On Sunday, September 25, 2022, the wilderness bot:innen of the Zurich Wilderness Park will inform families and other nature enthusiasts about insects.
Program: Lecture "Insects in the forest - diverse, amazing and indispensable" by Dr. Beat Wermelinger, insect researcher at the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL), supplemented by numerous information stands and adventure stations.
More information: www.wildnispark.ch/wildnistag-insekten
Time: 1.30 to 4.30 pm.
Location: Zurich Wilderness Park Visitor Center, Sihlwald

Further information:
Mirella Wepf, Communications Wilderness Park Zurich
044 722 55 24, mirella.wepf@wildnispark.ch

Pictures of the press release in ZIP below
Caption: Small but beautiful: there is a great variety of insects to discover in the Sihlwald. On the "Insects" wilderness day, visitors can learn more about this exciting microcosm.
Picture credits: Zurich Wilderness Park Foundation
