16. June 2021


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Good news: new additions to the Zurich Wilderness Park

A trip to Langenberg Zoo is particularly worthwhile at the moment. Young animals can now be observed in many animal species. Particularly pleasing: after 10 years, young lynx have once again been born in Zurich Wildlife Park - thanks to a new pair of lynx.
Event tip: On June 27, the "Young Animals" wilderness day will take place at Langenberg Zoo.
16. June 2021

On May 5, the surprise was perfect. The young female lynx, who has been living at Langenberg Zoo since last fall, gave birth to two cubs in the barn. The two cubs have now opened their eyes and are starting to explore the enclosure. With a bit of luck, young lynx can be seen in Zurich Wildlife Park for the first time in 10 years.

Langenberg Zoo is participating in the European conservation breeding program with its Carpathian lynxes. The aim of this program is to preserve the species in captivity so that animals can be released into the wild if necessary. This would be necessary, for example, if the genetic diversity in a certain area decreases to such an extent that the health or even the preservation of the population is at risk. "In Switzerland, the population of wild lynx is currently stable but still fragile," explains Martin Kilchenmann, Head of Langenberg Zoo. "What to do with the young animals in Langenberg is discussed and decided in close consultation with the studbook keeper of the conservation breeding program."

Young animals can currently be observed in many other animal species: For example, high-spirited bison calves, playful foxes and wildcats, spotted sika deer or young ibex that love to climb. That's why the Zurich Wilderness Park organizes a wilderness day for visitors, where the youngest are in the spotlight.

Event tip: June 27, 2021: "Young animals" wilderness day

Why do youngsters have stripes? Why are there no young Przewalski's horses yet? - On 27 June, the focus at Zurich Langenberg Wilderness Park will be on young animals. From 13:30 to 16:30, the zoo's wildlife messengers will be providing information about the various animal species and their offspring. The program is suitable for adults and children. www.wildnispark.ch/jungtiere
