Opening of the Visitor Centre and Sihlwald exhibition

Opening of the Visitor Centre and Sihlwald exhibition

Spring is here! The Wildnispark Zurich is opening its doors again in the Visitor Centre and invites you to stroll through the exhibitionor go on a treasure hunt (Spurensuche).

More about the start of the season (German only)

Experience wilderness together!

Experience wilderness together!

Would you like to experience something exciting with your club, work colleagues, friends or family? Venture into the wilderness!

To our group offers (German only)

Book courses or excursions now!

Book courses or excursions now!

Whether forest bathing, brunch in the animal park or a mushroom course - the foundation Wildnispark Zurich has many exciting events to offer this year.

To the 2025 event program (in German)

Exciting animal stories and secret discoveries in the natural forest:

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Experience, enjoy and understand nature

In front of the gates of the cities of Zurich and Zug.

The Wildnispark Zurich offers unique experiences in nature at two locations: the Langenberg Wildlife Park in Langnau am Albis invites visitors to meet native animals. The Sihlwald Nature Discovery Park offers a unique combination of forest, wilderness and river landscape. The Sihlwald hamlet is home to the visitor center with an exhibition, playground and fire pits.


25 Years Wild Sihlwald

For 25 years, the Sihlwald has been allowed to transform itself back into a wilderness. Rare species of fungi, animals and plants find a home here. 

We cordially invite you to immerse yourself in this unique forest wilderness with a new hiking route (German only)! You can find out more in our newsletter (German only), blog and at exciting events (German only).

Upcoming events (German only)


30.03.2025 13:00
Der Frühling ist da! Die Stiftung Wildnispark Zürich öffnet wieder die Türen im Besucherzentrum mit der beliebten Sihlwald-Ausstellung. Herzlich Willkommen!

Tierpfleger vor Ort

02.04.2025 14:00
Unsere Tierpfleger:innen kümmern sich täglich um das Wohl unserer Wildtiere. Sie reinigen Anlagen, füttern und beobachten die Tiere. Deshalb haben sie auch viel zu erzählen.

Ab in den Wald!

06.04.2025 09:45
Tauchen Sie mit allen Sinnen ein in den Naturerlebnispark, der seit 25 Jahren wild sein darf. Auf dieser Führung erleben Sie, wer im Sihlwald zu Hause ist und was ihn so besonders macht.

Discover it for yourself

Langenberg–Sihlwald round trip

A pleasant e-bike circuit from Langnau-Gattikon to the wildlife park and through the Sihlwald nature forest to Sihlbrugg. Then along the River Sihl back to the starting point.


This hike leads through the wilderness park of Zurich Sihlwald, the largest natural beech mixed woodland in the central part of Switzerland.

The world of mice

This house accomodates mice, rats and dormice compounds. These areas come together with the visitors' rooms so as to create a unique experience. The house is part of Langenberg Wildlife Park.

Aussichtspunkt Höchi

Blick auf Zürichsee, Säntis, Glarner Alpen, Zugerberg, Rigi, Pilatus, Berner Alpen, Sihltal und Sihlwald

Sihlwald circular hiking trail

From Sihlwald railway station the hike crosses the Sihltal road and leads into the forest wilderness. the higher you climb up the spinner's trail, the wilder and more peaceful it becomes.

Albishorn viewpoint

View from the Uetliberg over the Lake of Zurich as far as Säntis and from the Lake of Zug to the Rigi.

Langnau am Albis – Langrainhütte – Langnau am Albis

Diese abwechslungsreiche Rundwanderung von Langnau am Albis in den Naturwald Sihlwald und wieder zurück verspricht eine tolle Aussicht in die Ferne sowie einen spannenden Einblick in die Waldwildnis.


Zwischen 1624 und 1798 war die Albishochwacht Teil des Zürcher Alarmsystems bestehend aus 23 Hochwachten. Im Jahre 1792 wurde von hier eines der ersten Alpenpanoramen gezeichnet.

Albis observation tower

153 Steps up to an unlimited panorama over the whole wilderness park of Zurich and beyond: from the Black Forest to the Säntis, the Glarus Alps, Lake of Zug, Rigi, Pilatus, and the Eiger, Mönch and Jungfrau.